I write from the reading room of the hotel while it's raining outside ... the holidays are almost over, on Monday 'is part of and apart from today the weather is always beautiful, we did hike with a backpack for bimbi.Si Sara is fun, is eating a lot of little things very good, and rest like an angel! well, perhaps I should stay here, but unfortunately my father has to go back to work Tuesday. 'We are returning to a fresh kiss tutti.Mau and family.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
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I write from the reading room of the hotel while it's raining outside ... the holidays are almost over, on Monday 'is part of and apart from today the weather is always beautiful, we did hike with a backpack for bimbi.Si Sara is fun, is eating a lot of little things very good, and rest like an angel! well, perhaps I should stay here, but unfortunately my father has to go back to work Tuesday. 'We are returning to a fresh kiss tutti.Mau and family.
Friday, August 27, 2010
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the cat Lola thrown in the bin has become much talked about. Writes Nadotti (The Republic) on his blog that the video caused the hilarity, and that has annoyed the contrary following the news on the floods in Pakistan.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
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had to wait! The cat looks around the first woman in a sling box, just like the Bale:
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
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That 's what he said Mary Bale, 45 year old British bank has closed a kitten in the dumpster.
Prior to his identification, had already been activated on Facebook page Help Find The Woman Who Put My Cat In The Bin with thousands of supporters. The woman has a personal statement rather disconcerting and is besieged by reporters and friends of the animals. It seems the uproar surprise that his action has caused. It would have been a joke, says the Bale, who thought the kitten would have freed himself.
I was playing with it, stroking it and listening to it purr as it stood on a garden wall. It was very friendly.
I don't know what came over me, but I suddenly thought it would be funny to put it in the wheelie bin, which was right beside me. I did it as a joke because I thought it would be funny. I never thought it would be trapped. I expected it to wriggle out of the bin.
Ecco cosa si legge invece sul National Post :
B ale refused to answer many questions from the dozens of reporters outside her home, but she released a statement:
“I want to take this opportunity to apologize profusely for the upset and distress that my actions have caused. I cannot explain why I did this, it is completely out of character and I certainly did not intend to cause any distress to Lola or her owners.
“It was a split second of misjudgment that has got completely out of control.”
“I am due to meet with the RSPCA and police to discuss this matter further and will co-operate fully with their investigations.
I wish to reiterate that I am profoundly sorry for my actions and wish to resolve this matter to everyone’s satisfaction as soon as possible.”
Bale said she is afraid she’ll lose her job as a customer service assistant at the Royal Bank of Scotland after getting a call from her boss. "I've Had to talk to the bank's security people about what to do if I think people who hurt the cat try to find me," Bale Told Sky News.

Lola, thankfully, is fine.
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The story of Lola has already been around the web. Lola, a kitten about a year, was found by its owners - Stephanie and Darryl Mann Stoke (UK) - locked in a dumpster. The camera system security of their home revealed the author of the cruel act, not a thug, not a drunk, but an unexpected first lady caresses her pussy, then, after looking around, opens the box and threw the cat.
look confident that the monster is identified.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
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The mouse I killed immediately and I took him to the front door.
Monday, August 23, 2010
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The sign above these fighters of the Great War states: Hotel Polenta, Cats fresch ie dog roast at any time.

Photos from the wonderful site on the war of '15-'18 www.cimeetrincee.it , who has devoted a great hunger in the trenches 3d. Other than matured Bigazzi and his cats!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
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Saturday, August 21, 2010
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Friday, August 20, 2010
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The news was reported by several newspapers.
Leggiamola the site of the province of Pavia :
Cat Michele, a beautiful big cat of five years, a European red-haired, adopted by a family living in the area Gambolò, was appointed in a senior entrepreneur who lived in Milan in the area Porta Venezia. The man owns homes in Milan, Rome, Porto Recanati and Liguria, his death has left the cat preferred a penthouse on via Nazionale in Rome. It all started about two months ago.
Before his death the man had wanted to be sure the cat did not suffer after his departure. So through the 'Aida (Italian Association of Defense animals and the environment) is over the big cat red in good hands, Lomellina accepted and adopted by a family living in the area of \u200b\u200bGambolò.
When subsequently the will was opened, a daughter of the entrepreneur began to bombard the telephone switchboard AIDAA. The lady wanted to know what Michael had done, praying not to report the situation to any other heirs if they had called. Knew the destination of the cat, the woman - who now lives in the house of his father in Milan - has become insistent he wanted to know the address of the new masters. Evidently because he wanted to get their hands on the apartment on Via Nazionale in Rome. However, the situation came to know the other heirs. And when the family was seen besieged gambolese has necessarily come to a deal.
Michael will live on in Gambolò and will be entitled to a legacy of 250 thousand euro that equally divided at his death will end the same number of shelters in twenty Italian regions. The heirs, in the meantime appointed rightful owners of the cat, will instead go up against the rest of the inheritance of a millionaire.
(August 15, 2010)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
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Hello everyone, I head to greet you and wish you happy holidays to those who are away or those of us who still needs to go! Departure Saturday morning destination Trentino (you've probably already heard me mention the name of the mountain and there will be new) in Val di Ledro ... we have already gone a week in June and now we torniamo.Sara is fine, walking even now is so 'safe running and I did not think when I started 'acting up soon! I must say that is committed in those very moments! still all right, her smile makes you forget just why there is arrabbiare.Mi regret not having been heard before, but the days are very full, thank goodness there is now at home dad!
soon and happy holidays to tutti.bacioni Mau & family.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
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Monday, August 9, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
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Catanzaro. The Association Ionic Catanzaro has recognized the great Albanian artist Antonio, aka The matter Cetto, a genius and a heritage of values \u200b\u200bsuch as to merit the reward Magna Grecia Lifestyle. The significant representation of pinax locrose made by the late ceramist Louise Parrilla of Ciro Marina, have been delivered to Villa San Giovanni, during the press conference held on Thursday, July 29 from Calabria Film Commission to discuss the film "any" signed by director Giulio Manfredonia.
via newz.it
The extraordinary opportunity to meet the beloved interpreter of the matter-quoted Cetto, was given by the presence on the Calabrian Tyrrhenian coast of the cast of "any" committed to shoot the final scenes. During the meeting with journalists, coordinated by the President of the Film Commission, the journalist Francesco Zinno, the spokesman of Ionic, Massimo Tigani Sava, and the president of Coldiretti Calabria, Peter Molinaro, explained the reasons for the allocation of Albanian a prize that the world wants to suggest a lifestyle Magna Graecia. The Magna Grecia Lifestyle
part from Calabria, a land seemingly backward and in fact marginalized by the major economic and cultural circuits, to propose a worldwide lifestyle magnogreci as an alternative to the degeneration of globalization that seems to unify all certified, and flatten, as in the case the daily diet, food we eat. A way of life on a human scale which has its roots in the immense cultural and historical heritage of a region of ancient times. "In Calabria - explained Massimo Antonio Tigani Sava Albanian - you can live by eating healthy food, pure drinking water, walking through unspoilt woods, breathing fresh air, diving into a sea of \u200b\u200bglass, listening to the silence of small towns without losing important values \u200b\u200bsuch as solidarity, friendship, family, respect for one's word and a handshake, a love of culture and nature. " "If you look at stress, smog, pollution, all'imbarbarimento lifestyles of many hyper-industrialized areas and by technology, as well as the failure of economic and social structures dehumanizing - added Tigani Sava - certainly not us Calabrian the laggards. The Magna Grecia Lifestyle is a response to those in the whole world are looking for new points of reference. " The launch of the world's cultural project "Magna Grecia" Lifestyle "has been reflected in the delivery to different personalities and representatives from the world of production and culture, and therefore also to Albanian Antonio, playing a pinax Locrian depicting the scene of Dionysus, with an apparent shoulder on the vine-rich clusters, hands him a glass of wine to Persephone: one of can be shown that in Calabria, the concept of quality of life, especially related to land and its products, has roots ultramillenarian. The reproduction of the famous pinax Locrian (a votive terracotta dating from the wonderful season of the Magna Graecia colonies) delivered Cetto The matter has been made more precious with gold trim, and was built in the late ceramist numbered series of Ciro Marina (Crotone) Luigi Parrilla. The short but impressive ceremony, during which Antonio Albanian expressed words of appreciation, addressed the president of Coldiretti Calabria, Peter Molinaro, who gave the artist a large basket of food products Calabria of excellence, reflecting the battle for the entire agricultural chain signed by Italian farmers. A representation of the Locrian pinax was also given to the journalist Francesco Zinno for positive selection of Calabria Film Commission to participate in the making of the film "Whatever." In the grounds of, the prize to Albanian reads: "A great contemporary artist. With its wonderful parodies better than anyone else has described the atmosphere of so extraordinary and beautiful Calabria, as absurdly unable to exploit their immense potential. " "Antonio Albanian - has publicly stated Massimo Tigani Sava - is a brilliant artist. With Cetto Laqualunque his character is successful, more than any other, to explain to Calabria, to narrate, to describe both the distortion and the missed opportunities in terms of development. " In the official press release distributed by Calabria Film Commission and Fandango for the press conference, Albanian Antonio said: "Bringing the cinema Whatever Cetto The idea was exciting and somewhat reckless. So we've decided to implement it. In recent years Cetto The matter has been for me, and for the writer Piero Guerrera, a special magnifying glass that allowed us to focus on what was going on in our south and the rest of the country. One way to tell what we do not like and to warn about what could happen. Concept has given us the great privilege of ridicule and behavior patterns, which for many will be cunning and successful, but we are just ignorant and pathetic. The desire is therefore to tell with this film, a cumbersome piece of our reality with comedy. One of the most complex and mysterious language that we have. The film is our tribute to a land that we love and we want to protect and defend. So laugh, to exorcise and wants to recover going forward. Cetto in the hope that with time the matter becomes only a speck and not a true reflection of our times. " The Magna Grecia Lifestyle Award was received by Another important artist, the great musician of the tarantula Sparagna Ambrose, last November in Catanzaro, during a stage of the Autumn Festival, directed by Toni Santacroce. Other honors "Magna Grecia Lifestyle" were awarded on July 23 last, in Catanzaro Lido, during the third edition of Ionic Food Fest, several brave members of the world food and Calabria. The "Magna Grecia" Lifestyle "was reached this year in Verona, where during the prestigious festival of Vinitaly, was attributed to the wine cellars of Ippolito 1845 Ciro Marina (Kr) for the new label" 160 "years, considered a very successful and original value, tradition and innovation, gaglioppo, Prince of autochthonous Calabria.
quandu unu su'mmerita .. .. su'mmerita!