[petrocliffs] U &
Yves Klein, Leap Into the Void
Once all the questions asked Have Been,
the only one that’s left is:
What makes a man dance with death?
Never precipitate things.
Prefer a mise en abyme
The end as a beginning
Absolute pro/jection.
The grand jeux , a taste for the inconceivable,
the impossible seriousness of the game.
A 160-metre precipice
Sus/pend from every cliff.
Dece[l]e[b]rate, accelerate
pushing downward.
Put yourself aside to descend into everything and all.
Lay a trap for yourself.
Special gravit/a[c]tion.
Precipitate without with.
Fatal flight or woman put to flight?
Nothing, tempus fugit : alone,
the orgasm of a kiss blown to nothing
a trifle entrusted to the wind.
Levitate beyond the dream of flying.
The undecidable deciduous
no sooner said than done
break the skull wall.
Turn outward, throw yourself overboard
the dream of a hasty action
Zero-degree perception
Distrust yourself to the very end:
Perception/deception over/action
Rush of adrenaline,
checkmate to the self-preservation instinct
Sink rebuild reveal yourself
without conceding to a titanic titanism
They do want the future infinitive
Towards a demonology of the fall
"I laid the foundations of my cause on nothing"
In a nuraghic cave in Moseddu-Cheremele , in Sardinia,stylized pictures of tiny men are found. The style bears an extraordinary resemblance to that of Keith Haring, although the pictures predate the latter by some thousands of years. However, some of these tiny men have a unique feature: they were drawn upside down . Unbearable lightness of being: before the power of the rising sun they fall back, blinded. A clear symbol of the fall.
A while ago a girl friend asked me to write a feature on the fall, on the experience of falling. I resolved to do it. Initially I jotted down a few etymological notes, a sort of foreword to a phenomenology of the fall.
But something held me back, stopped me. So far, I haven’t written it. But while the time when I wasn’t writing went by, the non-written floated in total peace of mind. Now I know. A man cannot understand the fall unless he has fallen in the primordial abyss first. Access, go blind, emerge into the great eastern sun is the only occasional way. An auroral setting. The end is in the beginning, nevertheless we go on.
But now the time for wasting words is over. Words fade, letting action step in.
A dance step, of course. Once again the Šardana . May this calibr/a[c]tion of mine be a late but cogent reflection on the precipitation of meaning. Complete.
tarted by ---gallizio
in the quantum leap era
italian version
Burn all the questions, is this:
What drives a man to dance with death?
Never rush things.
Rather mise en abyme
The end principle,
Pro / throw absoluto.
Le grand jeux , the taste of the inconceivable, the impossible seriousness of the game.
160 meters of precipitation / uncle.
Autos / s / hang from every slope.
Dece [r and / or l] ebrarsi,
accelerate action towards the bottom.
we aim to immerse themselves in everything.
by obtaining a trap.
Severity / particular action.
falling away with.
Escape deadly fugue or woman?
Nothing tempus fugit : only the orgasm of a kiss book about nothing,
nonsense entrusted to the wind.
Ca / hover over the dream of flight.
the undecidable deciduous:
soon learned that this
breaking the wall of the skull.
everted, throw love
's dream of flying something
Degree Zero perception
notice to the bitter end:
Perception / Deception over / action
chirping of adrenaline,
checkmate the instinct of preservation.
sink refound outpouring
without granting a titanic titanic
I hope
Want to infinity future
Lib [e] ration:
Towards a demonology of the fall
"I started my life on anything," Max Stirner
In a cave in nuragica Moseddu-Cheremule , Sardinia, are stylized depictions of men. The style is strikingly similar to that of Keith Haring, which is not of a few thousand years earlier. Some of these men, however, have a particularity ': they are designed upside down, upside down'. Unbearable Lightness of Being: in front of the original power of the rising sun blinded fall backwards. Obvious symbolism of the fall.
A friend recently asked me to write a piece on the fall, experience the fall. I I promised myself to do it. Li 'to them' I had scored a series of etymological notes, a sort of prelude to a phenomenology of the fall.
But something held me back, I crashed to the ground. To date I have not written. But as the days passed in the non-writing, this time the non-written floated in absolute serenity of the heart. Now I know. A man can not 'see if it falls before the fall into the abyss of origin. Log on, go blind, result in the great sun of the East as the only way occasionally. A set
The end 'in the beginning, and yet you continue.
But now the time for talk in squandering and 'finished. The words fade away, giving up action. A dance step, of course. Once again Sardana. May this my caliber and action have been a descendant late, perhaps, but compelling way of precipitation. Accomplished.
--- tarted by Gallizio
in the quantum leap was