photographs for nothing
"According to Foucault, a long time, one of the characteristic privileges of and sovereign power 'was the right of life or death. This power is' absolute, and not' couched 'as the penalty of guilt (...). You could say in a more' clear that the foundation of political power and the first 'really must kill a life, that through his own uccidibilita politicization'.
E 'was keenly observed that the state is not based on a social bond, which would be seen, but on its dissolution ( déliaison ), which prohibits [Badiou]. We can now give a further sense in this thesis. The déliaison not be understood as the dissolution of an existing bond (which may take the form of a covenant or contract), rather than the bond itself was originally in the form of a dissolution or a plea, in which what 'and that' captured and 'together, except you add a political and human life only through an abandonment to an unconditional power of death. More 'original bond of positive rule or of the social and' the sovereign bond, and that ', but', in truth ', only a dissolution, and this' implies that the dissolution and produces - the bare life, which lives in no man's land between the house and the City '- is, in terms of sovereignty', the element political [...]
original protagonist of this book and 'bare life, that' life and be killed insacrificabile of 'homo sacer . Equivalent man banned the Middle Ages. E 'possible to assimilate the condition of' homo sacer to that of a surviving devotee, for which there is more 'can do no vicarious atonement' no replacement of a giant. The body of the ' homo sacer in its insacrificabilita be killed ', and' living the pledge of his subjection to a power of death, which is not 'but' the fulfillment of a vow, but an absolute and unconditional. The sacred life and 'consecrated life without sacrifice and of the possible' of any performance. It 's not, then, a coincidence that Macrobius, in a text which' seemed a long time to interpret obscure and corrupt, to assimilate the homo sacer statues ( Zanes ) in Greece were consecrated to Jupiter with proceeds of fines imposed on athletes perjury, and that there were other things that the giants of those who had violated the oath and surrendered so 'vicariously to justice divine. "
Giorgio Agamben, Homo sacer
tartie from --- Gallizio
banned at the time of those who fly 'was free
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