Sunday, October 26, 2008

Watch The Notorious Jewel Denyle Shelly Online

total eclipse

cause implosion of the last neuron, overdose, infartoemboloictus, subprime meltdown
DefInt transmissions are interrupted.


tartie from --- Gallizio


Monday, October 20, 2008

Ranch Hand Grill Guard Instillation Instructions

only crossing points


think about it, not c ' and 'a principle for the things and people, all that one day is started it was first started, the history of this paper, we take the best example at hand, to be true and complete, should go back to the beginning of the world, it is used on purpose instead of the plural the singular, and However, these beginnings, we doubt that they were beginning, but only crossing points, ramps, rails, our poor head, subject to such pressures, striking the head, despite everything, for all the reasons that it is capable of going mad, except for this.

Jose Saramago, The Stone Raft

tartie from --- Gallizio
to tiempo de l'alguer it la cabeza


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Los Hombre De Paco Free Online

interim government: the spam who can

art has Proprietary

October in poetry

Sassari October 18 18 hours: 30

(Interim Government)
v. Adelasia 2 - 338.96.96.311 info

presentation / performance and the

mario pischedda

Present: author,
the publisher Gallizio
actor Neville gabula

and the English artist Mariela De Marchi Moyano victoria

[picciolanteprima of text with up to between between
but in rio pis mo ched by vehement]

The time is closing and we are thrown in his eyes closed, in view off toward the open.
An open flow of contaminants because of short crackles image f / oto / graphics that are on fire, just streaked by a voice. A voice like a freeze-frame. An era of reduced flow, which starting to pick up and begin to understand. A voice cracked, residual, which proceeds from the waste and has clotted here. After all, what is it based poets.

This is his personal utopia: save the world by welcoming the last cluster of meaning that remained. Give voice to all his shit / aphonia. Conditions that expire in manure. Routes in range. A polite garbage, worthless in message full of nonsense . He who can spam '.

Gallizio, publisher important

tartie Gallizio
--- from the time of the poetry that melts into the mold / etry


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

How To Break An Equipment Lease

Pending the instant in which time disappears


exist is to suffer a disaster, through almost always without being aware, and which, for further misunderstanding, everyone has high hopes. The human wants only his right, makes sure to find out and chased after him like an animal, watching, ignorant, s'attirerà quite a different, already pre-ordained meeting.


Tragic is an inevitable constraint exist: know your soul is always forced to return due to an existence, and unexpected.
In stories of individuality to whom much is given mildly probing ever after as a conclusion of the preliminary events. But rather a final gesture, from which, paradoxically, it depends on each event before. In all I give you the instant of a gesture, for which cause and effect lose sense and inverted. This moment, in which time disappears, ridicules all the usual history books, that trust in the links of a case before the post. Existence, as in fairy tales, or reversed in time of a dream, after the expected start soon.

Geminello Alvi, Far West

tartie Gallizio
--- from the time instant of the gesture that dissolves fear


Saturday, October 4, 2008

How To Write A Congrats On Baby Letter


so are all capable

tartie from --- Gallizio
at the time of transnormalità abbaliante


Friday, October 3, 2008

Kidde Carbon Monoxide Peak Level

always and only glimpses


"The imaging is crucial. The physicist Max Planck thought it could not conduct their research without any idea of \u200b\u200ba real world that we will ever know, but we must continually strive to represent and find out. Planck speaks repeatedly of the 'image of the world, "and describes what he calls" the continuing reduction of the intuitive nature and ease of application of the image of the world ... The immediate sensory impressions, sources of primordial science, are totally missing from the image of the world where sight, hearing and touch no longer have any role. "
Perhaps we are unable to imagine the process of image formation. Despite all our windows, understands more, and only glimpses of the real world. As Planck said Wijnnobel, I believe that the world is real, it exists, and it is our need, as well as a duty or a pleasure, to form the image. Not be able to answer the question, what is man, nor the most difficult question, what is real, what is true. But our multiple windows should protect us from the anxiety of solipsism, not encourage it.

(...) The great insight - in any field - takes order and similarity in the differences and in the many movements of the universe. The intuition of an order is to be unfounded, and replace the other, but we continue to look for. "

Antonio S. Byatt, Still Life

tartie from --- Gallizio
to iconogrfico delbarlume time that flame


Can Herpes Virus Live On A Toothbrush

welcome honest and happy

far / aim
courtesy roberta milano

life, you know , has the best writing. Then, if the riverboat who in his spare time to write these notes adddirittura lives, and 'clear that the nonletture here are given to oblivion. Furthermore, the showers do not entitle the existence of nothing but silence.

But now 'the fill, and here again the automatic writing of images.
How does it work? Simple. I get the images and are automatically associated with the texts. Lampi, semblance of sense, nothing to do with a reality 'that persists in its stubborn fortunately does not exist.
materials that come are only half-seen things, and leggiucchiate misunderstood here and there '.
A big hug to mariopicheddainmovement, Master iconologist bordigiadense, sparaimmagini machina who had the patience to roast until now.

tartie from --- Gallizio
acclarante at the time of a whole life ahead
