"The imaging is crucial. The physicist Max Planck thought it could not conduct their research without any idea of \u200b\u200ba real world that we will ever know, but we must continually strive to represent and find out. Planck speaks repeatedly of the 'image of the world, "and describes what he calls" the continuing reduction of the intuitive nature and ease of application of the image of the world ... The immediate sensory impressions, sources of primordial science, are totally missing from the image of the world where sight, hearing and touch no longer have any role. "
Perhaps we are unable to imagine the process of image formation. Despite all our windows, understands more, and only glimpses of the real world. As Planck said Wijnnobel, I believe that the world is real, it exists, and it is our need, as well as a duty or a pleasure, to form the image. Not be able to answer the question, what is man, nor the most difficult question, what is real, what is true. But our multiple windows should protect us from the anxiety of solipsism, not encourage it.
(...) The great insight - in any field - takes order and similarity in the differences and in the many movements of the universe. The intuition of an order is to be unfounded, and replace the other, but we continue to look for. "
Antonio S. Byatt, Still Life
tartie from --- Gallizio
to iconogrfico delbarlume time that flame
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