not because it is you to shine in the house
tomorrow night larger image A wire holds the world order
oscillates slowly, and then breaks
bodies are confused and their minds
precipitate the footsteps on the stairs
falls on the chair, down the other side of life
Sibila sound
scene evokes a sense of simplicity to contradict
and the feeling of the stranger things
carlo pasi
But the role of the wires may reverse or recover as double check the direction of incision. Pour a Funambule is a hymn to the wire. This time, the dancer does not take the wire between your fingers, but he maintains - as text - on a wire. The Wire - the subject of the text - it says on the edge of the fall (the wire will hold up better, safer than a road '). The tightrope walker has to love his thread as what it takes, but first of all like what he has brought, whether born or raised. Oedipus and Jesus: "Love - almost desperate, but full of tenderness - you have to donate to your thread, have the same force that the wire shows the iron stand. I know the objects, their malice, their cruelty, but also their gratitude. The wire was dead - or if you prefer dumb, blind -, here, you will live and speak. " The seats are reversed, the wire dance and the dancer is blind, the glory back to the real subject: the wire. "Your tumbling, jumps, dances - in the jargon of the acrobats flic-flac , ronda, somersaults, wheels, etc.. - You will succeed, not because you shine [not because her mother, drunk, "a spangle of gold is a tiny metal disc golden hole in the center" is the beginning of the text, the first round], but because a steel wire that was dead, and no voice can eventually sing. How much you will be grateful if, in every shape, you're not perfect for your glory but for her!
wire lamp (stefano daveti) larger image In turn, the wire will you the most beautiful dancer [...] What your loneliness, paradoxically, both in full light, and darkness is made up of thousands of eyes you judge, who fear or hope that you fall ["I hope that the next day, Notre Dame was sentenced to death, she wanted '], it does not matter: you will dance on top and the middle of a desert solitude, the blindfolded, if you can, the lids sealed. But nothing - especially the applause or laughter - you can prevent dance for your image. You are an artist - alas - you can not ignore the terrible abyss of your eyes [...] you're not dancing, but the wire. But if he is dancing still, and if your image is circling, you, then where will you be?
Jacques Derrida, Glas
tartie Gallizio
--- from the time of the steel streamers