Hello dear / I, I apologize for some time do not write more, but it was a period of great manufacturing country, then the baby does not leave me much time to devote to my passions, if not in the evening when collapses and addormenta.Dal time in the last two months, in the evening, I have not done anything but get the time to paint a view of the Market Christmas that I did in my country Sunday, December 13, after the fateful day I decided to rest ... but I could not miss tonight and especially to do each of you who passes through here my best wishes of Merry Christmas. I also thank the dear
Sue for giving me a few weeks fa.Questo is awarded the prize:

Regulation is:
1. Post the phrase "pure corn is Nenhuma Olhar do que uma criança "......
2. Post the award.
3. Refer to the blog "Art of Li" http://li-katuki.blogspot.com/
4. leave a comment for everyone who has passed you would like to add their blog link.
5. Pass the award to 10 friends and warn them.
Since it is Christmas Eve, the surprise for the first 10 who come to visit me ... thanks again to the heart of your beloved and Merry Christmas to all voi.Bacioni, Mau.
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