from September 9:
With the European directive on animal testing approved yesterday, stray animals at risk of falling under the knife: Article 11 provides that they can be sacrificed on the altar of science, if you can not reach otherwise the "purpose of the procedure" research. It was this provision, together with that of vivisection on apes such as chimpanzees share with humans more than 98 percent of the DNA to elicit more protests, pushing 40 MEPs to stand leaving the courtroom in protest.
1 - Gabriele Albertini (EPP - PDL)
2 - Magdi Cristiano Allam (PPE - I love Italy)
3 - Roberta ANGELILLI (PPE - PDL)
4 - Antonella Antinori (PPE - UDC)
5 - Alfredo Antoniozzi (PPE - PDL)
7 - Raffaele Baldassarre (PPE - PDL)
8 - Paolo Bartolozzi (PPE - PDL)
9 - Sergio BERLATO (PPE - PDL)
10 - Luigi Berlinguer (S & D - PD)
11 - Mara BIZZOTTO (EFD - Northern League)
12 - Vito Bonsignore (PPE - PDL)
13 - Mario Borghezio (EFD - Northern League)
14 - Antonio CANCIAN (PPE - PDL)
15 - Carlo Casini (PPE - UDC)
16 - Sergio Gaetano COFFER (S & D - PD)
17 - John COLLINO (PPE - PDL)
18 - Lara COMI (PPE - PDL)
19 - Paul DE CASTRO (S & D - PD)
20 - Luigi Ciriaco De Mita (PPE - UDC)
21 - Herbert DORFMANN (PPE - SVP)
22 - Carlo girlfriend (PPE - PDL)
23 - FONTANA Lorenzo (EFD - Northern League)
24 - Elisabetta Gardini (PPE - PDL)
25 - Roberto Gualtieri (S & D - PD)
26 - Salvatore Iacolino (PPE - PDL)
27 - Vincenzo Iovine (ALDE / ADLE - IDV)
28 - John WAY (PPE - PDL)
29 - Clemente Mastella (PPE - EDU)
30 - Barbara Matera (PPE - PDL)
31 - Mario MAURO (EPP - PDL)
32 - Erminia MAZZONI (PPE - PDL)
33 - Claudio Morganti (EFD - Northern League)
34 - Alfredo BALL (PPE - PDL)
35 - Pier Antonio Panzeri (S & D - PD)
36 - Aldo Patriciello (PPE - PDL)
37 - Mario Pirillo (S & D - PD)
38 - Gianni PITTELLA (S & D - PD)
39 - Vittorio Prodi (S & D - PD)
40 - Fiorello Provera (EFD - Northern League)
41 - Licia RONZULLI (PPE - PDL)
42 - Oreste Rossi (EFD - Northern League)
43 - Potito Salatto (PPE - PDL)
44 - Matteo Salvini (EFD - Northern League)
45 - Amalia SARTORI (EPP - PDL)
46 - David-Maria SASSOLI (S & D - PD)
47 - Giancarlo Scotti (EFD - Northern League)
48 - Mark Scurr (PPE - PDL)
49 - Francesco Paolo Sergio Silvestris (PPE - PDL)
50 - Francesco Enrico Speroni (EFD - Northern League)
51 - Salvatore TATARELLA (PPE - PDL)
52 - This Mortal Coil (PPE - PDL)
As about the roll-call vote:
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