Sunday, October 26, 2008

Watch The Notorious Jewel Denyle Shelly Online

total eclipse

cause implosion of the last neuron, overdose, infartoemboloictus, subprime meltdown
DefInt transmissions are interrupted.


tartie from --- Gallizio


Monday, October 20, 2008

Ranch Hand Grill Guard Instillation Instructions

only crossing points


think about it, not c ' and 'a principle for the things and people, all that one day is started it was first started, the history of this paper, we take the best example at hand, to be true and complete, should go back to the beginning of the world, it is used on purpose instead of the plural the singular, and However, these beginnings, we doubt that they were beginning, but only crossing points, ramps, rails, our poor head, subject to such pressures, striking the head, despite everything, for all the reasons that it is capable of going mad, except for this.

Jose Saramago, The Stone Raft

tartie from --- Gallizio
to tiempo de l'alguer it la cabeza


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Los Hombre De Paco Free Online

interim government: the spam who can

art has Proprietary

October in poetry

Sassari October 18 18 hours: 30

(Interim Government)
v. Adelasia 2 - 338.96.96.311 info

presentation / performance and the

mario pischedda

Present: author,
the publisher Gallizio
actor Neville gabula

and the English artist Mariela De Marchi Moyano victoria

[picciolanteprima of text with up to between between
but in rio pis mo ched by vehement]

The time is closing and we are thrown in his eyes closed, in view off toward the open.
An open flow of contaminants because of short crackles image f / oto / graphics that are on fire, just streaked by a voice. A voice like a freeze-frame. An era of reduced flow, which starting to pick up and begin to understand. A voice cracked, residual, which proceeds from the waste and has clotted here. After all, what is it based poets.

This is his personal utopia: save the world by welcoming the last cluster of meaning that remained. Give voice to all his shit / aphonia. Conditions that expire in manure. Routes in range. A polite garbage, worthless in message full of nonsense . He who can spam '.

Gallizio, publisher important

tartie Gallizio
--- from the time of the poetry that melts into the mold / etry


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

How To Break An Equipment Lease

Pending the instant in which time disappears


exist is to suffer a disaster, through almost always without being aware, and which, for further misunderstanding, everyone has high hopes. The human wants only his right, makes sure to find out and chased after him like an animal, watching, ignorant, s'attirerà quite a different, already pre-ordained meeting.


Tragic is an inevitable constraint exist: know your soul is always forced to return due to an existence, and unexpected.
In stories of individuality to whom much is given mildly probing ever after as a conclusion of the preliminary events. But rather a final gesture, from which, paradoxically, it depends on each event before. In all I give you the instant of a gesture, for which cause and effect lose sense and inverted. This moment, in which time disappears, ridicules all the usual history books, that trust in the links of a case before the post. Existence, as in fairy tales, or reversed in time of a dream, after the expected start soon.

Geminello Alvi, Far West

tartie Gallizio
--- from the time instant of the gesture that dissolves fear


Saturday, October 4, 2008

How To Write A Congrats On Baby Letter


so are all capable

tartie from --- Gallizio
at the time of transnormalità abbaliante


Friday, October 3, 2008

Kidde Carbon Monoxide Peak Level

always and only glimpses


"The imaging is crucial. The physicist Max Planck thought it could not conduct their research without any idea of \u200b\u200ba real world that we will ever know, but we must continually strive to represent and find out. Planck speaks repeatedly of the 'image of the world, "and describes what he calls" the continuing reduction of the intuitive nature and ease of application of the image of the world ... The immediate sensory impressions, sources of primordial science, are totally missing from the image of the world where sight, hearing and touch no longer have any role. "
Perhaps we are unable to imagine the process of image formation. Despite all our windows, understands more, and only glimpses of the real world. As Planck said Wijnnobel, I believe that the world is real, it exists, and it is our need, as well as a duty or a pleasure, to form the image. Not be able to answer the question, what is man, nor the most difficult question, what is real, what is true. But our multiple windows should protect us from the anxiety of solipsism, not encourage it.

(...) The great insight - in any field - takes order and similarity in the differences and in the many movements of the universe. The intuition of an order is to be unfounded, and replace the other, but we continue to look for. "

Antonio S. Byatt, Still Life

tartie from --- Gallizio
to iconogrfico delbarlume time that flame


Can Herpes Virus Live On A Toothbrush

welcome honest and happy

far / aim
courtesy roberta milano

life, you know , has the best writing. Then, if the riverboat who in his spare time to write these notes adddirittura lives, and 'clear that the nonletture here are given to oblivion. Furthermore, the showers do not entitle the existence of nothing but silence.

But now 'the fill, and here again the automatic writing of images.
How does it work? Simple. I get the images and are automatically associated with the texts. Lampi, semblance of sense, nothing to do with a reality 'that persists in its stubborn fortunately does not exist.
materials that come are only half-seen things, and leggiucchiate misunderstood here and there '.
A big hug to mariopicheddainmovement, Master iconologist bordigiadense, sparaimmagini machina who had the patience to roast until now.

tartie from --- Gallizio
acclarante at the time of a whole life ahead


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Best Digital Playground Movies Free


god c ' is, are you

interview with God

- Pronoun, verb, pronoun
- I, and he ... Word

- see, die
- pronoun, verb, pronoun
you see - I die
us - we love
I - pronoun,
subject - I ... us ... they
- pronoun ... predicate ...
- I ... love ...
- he ...
die - You ...
kill - you ...
slip - I ...
- we love ... die ... kill ... I see ...
- I see ...
- you love ...
- I
I see - I see you
I see you - I see you?
- he
you see - he sees me?
- I see him he
I see - we see she
- she
see us - we
Predicate predicate

- let's see ... kill ... slide ...
loving - loving
slipping - slipping
kill - killing
saw - loved seeing
- pronouns, pronouns
- He, we, they, she, you
- he killed
- she loved
- subject, subject
- I
us - she
predicate pronouns - I kill
- you slide
- she loves
- we die
- complements, complements
- you, him, her ...
love you - kill him
- we perish
slip me - love me
kill you - you slip
- they die
kill you - I see you

Seeing you, I slip

- slipped him dying
- gerund, gerund
- dying, loved, gliding, saw
- have died slipping
- will kill loved slipping ...
- I loved
we die - I will die
- I
slide - not slipping
- not dying


- the one who had died would have been seen slipping
love - I'll die if you
kill slipping - we'd be dead if we had been seeing slipped
love - love to die, I see you slip
dying to see - we saw die
- loving
slip - slip dying

Giorgio Manganelli, interview with God

tartie from --- time Gallizio
loved, having slipped killing


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Corporal Punishment Movies

a loving way to say "yes" to that and 'I will survive

double tribute: to Beckett & gommorra

It 's not so much the fact that she's' gone.
It 's the voice that brought me the news, which still
goes round and round in my head.
It is deposited, and white. Bianca.

'There is in Rauschenberg - between him and what he collects for his pictures - the quality of a match.
For the first time.
Rauschenberg became one bearing gifts. His unexpected gifts. His unexpected and unnecessary gifts are a way of saying "yes" to what is'. And so we converted to the enjoyment of what we have.

(...) "I try to curb my habits visual [projective], to go against in order to achieve greater freshness. I try not to be familiar with what I do."

One of the simplest ideas is one that comes when someone cries.
Duchamp was on the rocking chair. I was crying.
Much later, in the same corner of the city, and more or less for the same reason, Rauschenberg was crying.
The white paintings capture what falls on us. Where beauty begins and ends? Ends where the artist begins. Why all those who are not artists seem more intelligent?
I look at the window and see the ice. The "dripping" of the water freezes and becomes an object, there is no dripping when you squeeze the tube of the same color, but there is acceptance of what happens and no tendency towards the gesture or the arrangement. "

John Cage, from the catalog "Rauschenberg,"
for the exhibition at the gallery Ileana Sonnebend Paris, 1963

tartie from --- Gallizio
time things that deposit clear


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Plp Matlab Generieren

signs of the time

"it's time to start screaming in the pillow. is time to bite the legs to the chairs. it's time to cover the walls of the house with your brains. But if we can survive the next 10 minutes, we survive the night "

tartie Gallizio
from --- to metics time of night or are not saying cask


Wednesday, April 30, 2008

World Radio Receivers

money to buy the love letters

homeless money love

The productivity of information workers is jeopardized by too much e–mail. A proposed solution to e–mail overload is the creation of an economy that uses a scarce synthetic currency that senders can use to signal the importance of information and receivers can use to prioritize messages. A test of the virtual economy with corporate information workers showed that people in a large company used different amounts of the currency when sending e–mail messages, and that the amount of currency attached to messages produced statistically significant differences in how quickly receivers opened the messages. An analysis of the network of virtual currency trades between workers showed the different roles that participants played in the communication network, and showed that relationships defined by currency exchanges uncovered social networks that are not apparent in analyses that only examine the frequency, as opposed to the value of interactions.

Byron Reeves, Simon Roy, Brian Gorman, Teresa Morley, A marketplace for attention: Responses to a synthetic currency used to signal information importance in e-mail

full text here

tartito da ---gallizio

al tempo delle sandbox liquide pagate a ufo


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Recipes With Rotel And Chicken And Pasta

witch looks like a normal woman, so you do not know who and'

marzeddu mario, a step away from banno
even closer

In tobacco fields, women off their waistcoats and shirt and worked half-naked in the sun, hidden among the tall rows of plants. The tobacco juice was black and sticky as molasses, and ran down his arms smearing her breasts. At sunset the women down the river and washed. Splashed cold water all together, girls and women high and strong. They tried to push each other into the water, and in those moments Fight heard shouting his name, mo 'warning, or triumph, without contempt, like the other: - Fighting, careful! Fight! The
told different things. And he told them 'the children died because of witch. Even adults ratrappivano and sometimes died, when the witch made them an invoice. The witch looks like a normal woman, so you do not know who and '. Sucks the blood. To get it you have to put a cross in the doorway of the church on Easter Sunday when everyone is inside. The woman and 'a witch fails more' to exit. Or you can follow the woman he suspects, hoping to see her vomit blood. If you can put a little 'of this blood on a silver coin, and take it back, no witch you will be able to 'more' touch.
hair cut with the full moon turn white.
If you have aching limbs, cut a little 'hair and armpit hair and burn them, the pain will go away. The
oras are the devils that come out at night and strobe lights to confuse the fake travelers. You have to crouch and cover your head, otherwise you will fall off a cliff. Horses, and catching them exhausted.

Alice Munro, secrets revealed

tartie from --- Gallizio
at the time of lisping tits tobacco Venus


Saturday, April 26, 2008

What Is The Cost Of Ohio Drivers

banned in the sacred life in

photographs for nothing

"According to Foucault, a long time, one of the characteristic privileges of and sovereign power 'was the right of life or death. This power is' absolute, and not' couched 'as the penalty of guilt (...). You could say in a more' clear that the foundation of political power and the first 'really must kill a life, that through his own uccidibilita politicization'.

E 'was keenly observed that the state is not based on a social bond, which would be seen, but on its dissolution (
déliaison ), which prohibits [Badiou]. We can now give a further sense in this thesis. The déliaison not be understood as the dissolution of an existing bond (which may take the form of a covenant or contract), rather than the bond itself was originally in the form of a dissolution or a plea, in which what 'and that' captured and 'together, except you add a political and human life only through an abandonment to an unconditional power of death. More 'original bond of positive rule or of the social and' the sovereign bond, and that ', but', in truth ', only a dissolution, and this' implies that the dissolution and produces - the bare life, which lives in no man's land between the house and the City '- is, in terms of sovereignty', the element political [...]
original protagonist of this book and 'bare life, that' life and be killed insacrificabile of 'homo sacer
. Equivalent man banned the Middle Ages. E 'possible to assimilate the condition of' homo sacer to that of a surviving devotee, for which there is more 'can do no vicarious atonement' no replacement of a giant. The body of the ' homo sacer in its insacrificabilita be killed ', and' living the pledge of his subjection to a power of death, which is not 'but' the fulfillment of a vow, but an absolute and unconditional. The sacred life and 'consecrated life without sacrifice and of the possible' of any performance. It 's not, then, a coincidence that Macrobius, in a text which' seemed a long time to interpret obscure and corrupt, to assimilate the homo sacer statues ( Zanes ) in Greece were consecrated to Jupiter with proceeds of fines imposed on athletes perjury, and that there were other things that the giants of those who had violated the oath and surrendered so 'vicariously to justice divine. "

Giorgio Agamben, Homo sacer

tartie from --- Gallizio
banned at the time of those who fly 'was free


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Cleaning North Face Apex

pulix hours

with dida

"any point of a rhizome
can 'be connected to any other and must
so '

Deleuze-Guattari Millepiani

"why is it that some are doing more to save
what 'and they knew who were waiting.
But the most 'powerful, the most' fiendishly devoted and knowledgeable
do what 'they want, break through the myth and set
reduced to preserve the clarity.
E 'this is the way they collaborate uniqueness' miracle'.

Cesare Pavese, of myth, symbol and other

you make me fleas
and spying through the keyhole of my twitter
in search of moths
I just say this:

not here (and never come back even once)

try again

glows in the night


you sleep you sleep with open eyes that
loved ones and watch us live

I know that you carry with you memories that we have not received

secret sorrows
forgive offenses
humble falls silent prayers

know that the deliveredst
world by weights that have kept

looking for you all to let only

hope and courage and I know how much life
'in your ancestors death

look to us who live and bring you into the heart

that we may be worthy of life.

Luca Sassetti


with dida

idea of \u200b\u200blife and 'this: that' not now and grab 'forever lost.
Another idea is to 'gift to those who' will donate the beginning 'fulfillment, if you do your part, and all the unfinished business of life will be' filled. Because 'null and' orphan ' and everything 'love object,
us even as we do with whom and with what' we generate, so we 'unfinished.
Peyretti Henry, Learning to die

tartie from --- Gallizio
time to perdido perdaxus


Monday, April 21, 2008

Fitness Grandes Tetas

[petrocliffs] U &

Yves Klein, Leap Into the Void

Once all the questions asked Have Been,
the only one that’s left is:

What makes a man dance with death?

Never precipitate things.

Prefer a mise en abyme

The end as a beginning

Absolute pro/jection.

The grand jeux , a taste for the inconceivable,
the impossible seriousness of the game.

A 160-metre precipice


Sus/pend from every cliff.

Dece[l]e[b]rate, accelerate
pushing downward.

Put yourself aside to descend into everything and all.

Lay a trap for yourself.

Special gravit/a[c]tion.

Precipitate without with.

Fatal flight or woman put to flight?

Nothing, tempus fugit : alone,
the orgasm of a kiss blown to nothing

a trifle entrusted to the wind.

Levitate beyond the dream of flying.

The undecidable deciduous

no sooner said than done

break the skull wall.

Turn outward, throw yourself overboard

the dream of a hasty action

Zero-degree perception

Distrust yourself to the very end:

Perception/deception over/action

Rush of adrenaline,

checkmate to the self-preservation instinct

Sink rebuild reveal yourself

without conceding to a titanic titanism





They do want the future infinitive


Towards a demonology of the fall

"I laid the foundations of my cause on nothing"

Max Stirner

In a nuraghic cave in Moseddu-Cheremele , in Sardinia,stylized pictures of tiny men are found. The style bears an extraordinary resemblance to that of Keith Haring, although the pictures predate the latter by some thousands of years. However, some of these tiny men have a unique feature: they were drawn upside down . Unbearable lightness of being: before the power of the rising sun they fall back, blinded. A clear symbol of the fall.

A while ago a girl friend asked me to write a feature on the fall, on the experience of falling. I resolved to do it. Initially I jotted down a few etymological notes, a sort of foreword to a phenomenology of the fall.

But something held me back, stopped me. So far, I haven’t written it. But while the time when I wasn’t writing went by, the non-written floated in total peace of mind. Now I know. A man cannot understand the fall unless he has fallen in the primordial abyss first. Access, go blind, emerge into the great eastern sun is the only occasional way. An auroral setting. The end is in the beginning, nevertheless we go on.

But now the time for wasting words is over. Words fade, letting action step in.

A dance step, of course. Once again the Šardana . May this calibr/a[c]tion of mine be a late but cogent reflection on the precipitation of meaning. Complete.

tarted by ---gallizio
in the quantum leap era


italian version

Burn all the questions, is this:

What drives a man to dance with death?

Never rush things.

Rather mise en abyme

The end principle,

Pro / throw absoluto.

Le grand jeux , the taste of the inconceivable, the impossible seriousness of the game.

160 meters of precipitation / uncle.


Autos / s / hang from every slope.

Dece [r and / or l] ebrarsi,
accelerate action towards the bottom.

we aim to immerse themselves in everything.

by obtaining a trap.

Severity / particular action.

falling away with.

Escape deadly fugue or woman?

Nothing tempus fugit : only the orgasm of a kiss book about nothing,

nonsense entrusted to the wind.

Ca / hover over the dream of flight.

the undecidable deciduous:

soon learned that this

breaking the wall of the skull.

everted, throw love

's dream of flying something

Degree Zero perception

notice to the bitter end:

Perception / Deception over / action

chirping of adrenaline,

checkmate the instinct of preservation.

sink refound outpouring
without granting a titanic titanic

I hope




Want to infinity future

Lib [e] ration:

Towards a demonology of the fall

"I started my life on anything," Max Stirner

In a cave in nuragica Moseddu-Cheremule , Sardinia, are stylized depictions of men. The style is strikingly similar to that of Keith Haring, which is not of a few thousand years earlier. Some of these men, however, have a particularity ': they are designed upside down, upside down'. Unbearable Lightness of Being: in front of the original power of the rising sun blinded fall backwards. Obvious symbolism of the fall.

A friend recently asked me to write a piece on the fall, experience the fall. I I promised myself to do it. Li 'to them' I had scored a series of etymological notes, a sort of prelude to a phenomenology of the fall.

But something held me back, I crashed to the ground. To date I have not written. But as the days passed in the non-writing, this time the non-written floated in absolute serenity of the heart. Now I know. A man can not 'see if it falls before the fall into the abyss of origin. Log on, go blind, result in the great sun of the East as the only way occasionally. A set
The end 'in the beginning, and yet you continue.

But now the time for talk in squandering and 'finished. The words fade away, giving up action. A dance step, of course. Once again Sardana. May this my caliber and action have been a descendant late, perhaps, but compelling way of precipitation. Accomplished.

--- tarted by Gallizio
in the quantum leap was


Herpes Outbreak Exercise

groping and trying to draw the impossible life

in girunkatzu

as to what 'we have done, as you might valutre the current results?
through now this landscape ravaged by war that a company 'fights against itself, against its possibility'. The ugly of all was undoubtedly the inevitable price of war.
E 'because' the enemy has pushed so 'out his mistakes that we have started winning.


E 'became ungovernable, this "ground fault" in which new loans was disguised as an old pleasures, and where individuals have so' afraid. Run in circles in the night and are consumed by fire.
They wake up terrified, and try to grope his life.
Rumor has it that those who have lost the expropriation.

Here is a civilization 'that burns, capsizes and sinks in its entirety. Ah! What a great sinking!

bonus track router

And what about the 'state of me in the midst of this terrible disaster, which I find necessary, which you can' also cha say has contributed, since 'is certainly true that I have dedicated to them? This
'a poet of the T'ang wrote in
separating from a traveler, I could apply it at this time of my story?
"dismounted from his horse, I offered him the wine of farewell - and asked him what was the purpose of his trip" - I said I did not succeed in world affairs - I'm going back to the Nan-Shan Mountains to seek rest.

the road
more road

But no, I see very clearly that there is no 'rest for me, and in the first place 'cause no one gives me the grace to think that I did not succeed in world affairs. But, fortunately, no one will 'say even that has been successful. We must therefore admit that there 'success or failure of Guy Debord, and his boundless pretensions.
was already 'the dawn of the tiring day we see the end, when the young Marx wrote to Ruge: "Do not tell me that I respect too much this time, and if but' do not despair, and 'just because of his desperate situation , which fills me with hope. "

The sail of an era for the cool story has not died down anything, I must say, the passions of which I have given examples so 'beautiful and sad. How
still show these reflections on violence, there will be for me to 'return it' reconciliation.
wisdom will not be 'never.

Guy Debord, in girum imus nocte et igni consumimur

tartie from --- Gallizio
time not sail, anchored in what it 'nothing to


Friday, April 18, 2008

Suction Cups Won't Stick

socialist realism
more 'real true

"be this ocean "
f. nietzsche

"Like the fictional stories of the novels, texts that follow are offered with the intention of representing the truth '. This does not mean that I am led to grant them a value convincing. I did not want to cheat. On the other hand there is the novel that, in principle, to cheat. And I could not presume to do it better than another. I believe that even in a sense my stories draw clearly ' impossible. These evocations are in truth 'a heavy' painful. A heavy ' that binds to the fact that perhaps the horror has sometimes had a real presence in my life. Pu0 'well be that only the horror, even if caught in fiction, has allowed me to escape the feeling of emptiness of lies ... The realism seems to me a mistake. Only violence escapes the feeling of poverty 'experiences realistic. Only death and desire have the force that oppresses, that breaks my breath. Only the excess of desire and death can tap into the truth '. It opens before the human species from a dual perspective: on one hand the prospect of violent pleasure, horror and death - just that of poetry - and, in the opposite direction, that of science or the real world of utility '. Only profit, the real, have a character of seriousness'. We can never assume the right to prefer seduction: the truth 'has rights over us. Even on us all rights. "

georges bataille, [introduction] the impossible

tartie from --- Gallizio
torn at the time of feritaperta


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Optimum Nutrition Vs Muscle Milk 2010

l'amour fusionnel

to André Gorz

larger image

(lived) in the infinite life of the moment and knowing that 'finished

"you gave me all your life and everything about you, I wish I could give all of me during the time we have left. You have just turned 82 years. You're always beautiful, elegant and desirable. We live together for 58 years and I love you more 'than ever, "
Andre' Gorz, histoire d'amour a , Editions Galilée

tartie from --- Gallizio
time ecstatic fusionalistantanea


Saturday, April 12, 2008

How To Get A Limo Licence Toronto

Stirner brigaden

brigade Stirner

"the book will be the next fifty fifty evestrum sibling, shared, lived, internationalized, which occurred not conglobata, decalculatamente spontaneous, friendly, brotherly and harmonious frugal "

tartie --- Gallizio
from time to waste they Imbrighi and handling


Friday, April 11, 2008

Craigslist Kicker Warhorse

evestrum karalitano

Karalis tonight

contrary to what I wanted, this evening I will not be 'part of the performance
Karalitana mario pischedda.
Nothing ex / corp position [s] the mystics, but in return
my art intervention instant
specially-commissioned by marioinmovement
and detournata à la carte for evestrum .

tartie by men at the time --- Gallizio
spontaneous decalculatamente idols


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Professzionális Facebook Profil

reward [to the evestrum]

even more blossoming version

subject: Announces evestrum:

[how was the f / oto / writing, inspired you, you're expired,
have expired, breathed in, you delivered? you improvised
public with grace upon grace - mp]

after only 18 months I finally handed over to the drawing pixel Piscitello pre / fairy of the volume of [spam-poetries]. I send this photo cadeau writes:

"this is the reward for maintenance literature ... a breath of light
beneficial 4 me & 4 u, I hope it bodes well for the future. "

[the real news, however, and 'that Mario has even included blog grace the bottom of his blogroll ...]

tartie by marius ---
redeemed at time of writing in flames


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

When Is The David's Bridal 99 Sale

In return I will be 'free

s v n and t or the to r and the the n or m and n

But this nuance and 'for gourmets:
Atzeni of the characters, the urgency of the need to live
above analysis.
And in this there is' the very crossroads where as
[snip] we are always:
if you do not speak of a thing does not really exist ...

In return I will be 'free. The mask I cuciranno him, the stranger, the island, the beggar, hide me, 'occultera' name, I will be 'a man among men ... Who' mild pity the persecutors, he sees the fragility, the wounds and not hidden complains about the evil that suffers.
"You are not mild. Only now you have perceived the existence of meekness. 'Cause won. You have been the beast, greedy and cruel, until 'you had power and you have permission. Now you form from exile, hiding the name which for years have flown if it were a merit.

Sergio Atzeni

tartie from --- Gallizio
dark at the time of the fifth and 'goodbye
